Sunday, September 24, 2006

Hello Again!

It has been a while since I have been able to post. A lot has happened in the last three weeks. For no reason, except that I strongly felt it to be the right and best thing to do, I decided to leave the Mustard Seed and follow a call to the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Mississippi. On September 11, 2006 I became the President and Chief Executive Officer. While a large part of my heart remains with the Seedsters at the Mustard Seed, my imagination has been taken captive by the mission of Make-A-Wish. I have already been able to interact with three different wish families. Through them I have already been able to see and experience the amazing power of a child's wish!

I really miss spending time with my good friends Chris Kennedy, Program Director of the Mustard Seed, and Mary Ellen Stewart, Trustee President, as well as getting smiles and hugs from Megan Schmidt, Seedster par-excellence. However, I have begun to really appreciate the unique personalities and character that I have found with the Make-A-Wish staff. I have been, and am, very blessed to have such good friends and co-workers.

I offer you a great big smile,
