Thursday, June 07, 2007

I want everyone to know how much I honor and respect Keith Olbermann. So, here is a message I sent to him today:

Dear Mr. Olbermann,

I have remained shy about sharing my political opinions and aligning with either major party as a matter of humility and desire to be open to the Truth. However, I am also deeply committed to the notion that we are called to speak truth to power. I was deeply saddened last year when the Bush administration and Republican led Congress obliterated our bedrock civil right of habeas corpus. I recall that night that you were equally shocked and saddened; but, your anger at the silence of the media and politicians inspired me to speak out. With the recent bipartisan (Leahy/Specter) effort to reinstate our habeas corpus guarantee by the Senate Judiciary Committee, I am cognizant that your constant pressure played a significant role! I am inspired by your candor and commitment to American ideals. You are a prophet to an easily misled people…thank you for calling us back to the straight and narrow. You are a patriot in the finest sense of the word.

While I remain committed to political independence (not neutrality) in the two-party dominated system, I will no longer be shy in voicing my convictions. I look forward to learning from you on a regular basis! As for the 2008 elections…how about Keith Olbermann/Jon Stewart?!

Grace and peace!

Paul Griffin Jones, III (Trey)

To punish me for my contempt of authority, Fate has made me an authority myself. -- Albert Einstein