Thursday, September 20, 2007

Once our children began to play around with language, we decided to write down any profound or humorous statements that they made. Here are some good ones from 2001:

Gabi with cellphone in backseat, "Hello, yes, could you throw my brother away in the garbage can?"

Evan gets in the car from preschool and Gabi says, "Hello, Evan Poo-Poo Head."

Evan took his teacher, Ms. Brenda, a gift from the Mustard Seed. She said, "Thank you." I asked Evan if he would like to say, "You're welcome." Evan's response was, "No, Mommy, you should say 'you are welcome' because you did it."

Evan was sharing some of his "goodies" that he got from his school Christmas party with Gabi. She pulled out a cookie that she wanted to eat. Before she got it out of the wrapper, she said, "OOh, we have to say the blessing." She immediately bowed her head, closed her eyes, put the cookie up to her forehead and said, "God is great, God is good. Let us thank him for our food. Amen."

We had been talking about how Jesus was born and they had just listened to a new CD in the car about Mary and Joseph traveling to Bethlehem. A few hours later and after his nap, he said (out of the blue), "Mom, hotels don't have barns!"

Evan asks the difficult questions, "Who helped Mary have Baby Jesus?" "Did they take the manger with them?"

In a concerned voice, Evan declares, "I don't want Santa to bring me presents I want you and daddy to!"

After a bath with Gabi, Evan inquires, "When are you gonna grow a penis or when is mine gonna fall off?!"

Evan had been acting silly in the car so Gabi crossed her arms and stated firmly, "I'm gonna spank that Evan!"

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