Monday, October 01, 2007

Evan and Gabi Sayings from 2004

1/04 Evan and Judy Beaird's grandson were in Sunday School talking about Evan's fish tank he and Gabi got for Christmas. We had mentioned to Evan about getting a plycostomus to help eat the algae in the tank. Somehow Evan and Judy's grandson ended up telling their teachers about the "platypus" that Evan was getting that would eat the "allergies" in the tank.

1/04 While I was on a church Women's Retreat, Trey's sister Stephanie asked Gabi, "where is your mommy?" Gabi immediate response was, "She's sleeping with other women."

1/04 When Evan and Gabi are being silly I say, "You ding dong." (We don't use euphamisms for genitals; we call it what it is, so I didn't think anything about it.) One day I called Gabi a ding dong, and she got upset and said, "Mommy, you shouldn't call me that; that's the name of Colten's penis!" (Colten is her "boyfriend" at Lab School.)

1/04 Gabi and her best friend, Annelise, at Lab School are now known as the "kissy girls" because they like to chase the boys and try to "kiss" them. I knew kissing at Lab School is a definite no, no, so I asked Gabi what happens when she and Annelise play "kissy chase." Gabi said that "kissing" the boys means catching them but that after they are kissed, they have to die.

1/04 Gabi has two make believe friends - Audrey and Mashadamberdamber. She sends Mashadamberdamber to time-out a lot because she "bees rude to me."

1/04 Evan wrote me a "love note" all by himself. It said, "Mom you is a honey." I think I'll frame it!

1/04 Out of the blue, Evan comes and jumps in my lap one night after putting on his PJs and says, "Tickle me, Mom, I'm wearing leather!" No, his PJs are NOT made out of leather; we have no idea where he got this.

4/04 Evan and Gabi arguing about whether they were in my knee or my tummy when they were babies. Evan said to Gabi that there were no stairs down to my knee, so they had to have been in my tummy.

4/04 Evan asked me what we used to use for toliet paper "way-back" in the 80s.

4/04 Laura Bivins (Teacher) comes to dinner at Mark and Kelly's house; Evan says, "It's OK, Andrew, it's happened to me before too."

7/04 Gabi's goldfish, Goldie, died; after sobbing for several minutes about Goldie's death, she looks up at me with tearfilled eyes and says, "Mommy, we're not going to eat her are we?"

8/14 Explaining to Evan about anniversaries and his comment about never getting married because he doesn't want a girl hanging all over him all the time and following him around everywhere.

11/4 Evan's class poll on Bush/Kerry election; Evan voted for Bush because a girl in his class told him Kerry wanted to take over the world. Evan yelling out of the car to Susan to vote for Kerry and Andrew countered, no vote for Bush. Later, Evan told Andrew that Kerry was for the poor and Bush was for business and that he shouldn't put business over the poor.

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