Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A question to myself...Who/what has been the driving force/motivation in your life?

Without hesitation the most significant driving force in my life has been the life and teachings of Jesus. However, I will not breakout into singing and testimony because following in the way of Christ has created more questions than answers. Like the bumper stickers purport, I suppose that Jesus is the answer; but, more realistically I believe that he is the problem. His gospel has created a huge tension in my life. Jesus taught that our God is a Father who loves us passionately and forgives us freely, but God also demands justice and seems inclined towards the poor, the sick, the hungry, the dying, the homeless, the depressed, and everyone or everything else that makes me uncomfortable when they or it will not easily go away.

The scandal of the cross makes my life uncomfortable. My chosen model in faith and practice is of a man who emptied himself of all power and authority and became a servant of all humanity. Every decision I have to make in my professional life is burdened by the belief that I should follow his example and his teachings. I do not have it all figured out…and I really doubt I ever will. In the mean time, I will try to be the best CEO of the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Mississippi that I can be by granting wishes to children with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength and joy…that is enough to keep me motivated for now!

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